بيشمار اسٽيل پائپ جي کوٽائي ۽ گرمي جو علاج

After the quenching and tempering treatment of seamless pipes, the parts produced have good comprehensive mechanical properties and are widely used in various important structural parts, خاص طور تي جيڪي ڳنڍيندڙ رستا, بولٽس, گيئر ۽ شافٽ جيڪي ڪم ڪن ٿا alternيرائڻ وارين بوجھ ھي. پر مٿاڇري جي سختي گهٽ آهي ۽ لباس جي مزاحمتي ناهي. تندرست ٿيڻ + سطح quenching حصن جي مٿاڇري سختي کي بهتر ڪرڻ لاء استعمال ڪري سگهجي ٿو.

Its chemical composition contains carbon (سي) content of 0.42~0.50%, Si content of 0.17~0.37%, Mn content of 0.50~0.80%, and Cr content<=0.25%.

Recommended heat treatment temperature: normalizing 850°C, quenching 840°C, tempering 600°C.

Common seamless steel pipes are generally made of high-quality carbon structural steel, which is not very hard and easy to cut. It is often used in molds to make templates, tips, guide posts, وغيره, but heat treatment is required.

1. After quenching and before tempering, the hardness of the steel is greater than HRC55, which is qualified.

The highest hardness for practical application is HRC55 (high frequency quenching HRC58).

2. Do not use the heat treatment process of carburizing and quenching for steel.

ٿڪڻ ۽ مزاج ڪرڻ کان پوءِ, the parts have good comprehensive mechanical properties and are widely used in various important structural parts, خاص طور تي جيڪي ڳنڍيندڙ رستا, بولٽس, گيئر ۽ شافٽ جيڪي ڪم ڪن ٿا alternيرائڻ وارين بوجھ ھي. پر مٿاڇري جي سختي گهٽ آهي ۽ لباس جي مزاحمتي ناهي. تندرست ٿيڻ + سطح quenching حصن جي مٿاڇري سختي کي بهتر ڪرڻ لاء استعمال ڪري سگهجي ٿو.

Carburizing treatment is generally used for heavy-duty parts with wear-resistant surface and impact-resistant core, ۽ ان جي پائڻ جي مزاحمت بجھڻ ۽ مزاج کان ويڪ آھي + سطح کي ختم ڪرڻ. سطح تي ڪاربان جو مواد آهي 0.8-1.2%, ۽ بنيادي طور تي عام آهي 0.1-0.25% (0.35% خاص ڪيسن ۾ استعمال ٿيندو آهي). گرمي علاج کان پوء, the surface can obtain very high hardness (HRC58–62), and the core has low hardness and impact resistance.